Ph.D., Marine Science, University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, 2024
M.S., Marine Science, University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, 2018
B.S., Marine Science and Biology, University of Miami, 2013
Research/Career Interests:
My research interests include the ecology and conservation of cetacean populations. Most of my research investigates interactions between cetaceans and human activities, with the aim of improving the conservation/management of the population(s) under study.
During my M.S. and Ph.D., I contributed towards a long-term photo-ID project monitoring Hector’s dolphins (Cephalorynchus hectori) at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Using Bayesian capture-recapture models, my research focused on the effects of fisheries regulations on mark (i.e., “scar”) rate and population dynamics.
In March 2024 I joined the GEMM Lab as a Postdoctoral Scholar, investigating trends in entanglement scars on humpback whales (SLATE) and the overlap between rorqual whales and the Dungeness crab fishery (OPAL).