Courtney Hann

MS, Marine Resource Management, 2015

Thesis: Citizen Science Research: A Focus on Historical Whaling Data and a Current Citizen Science Project, Whale mAPP


  • Hann, C. H., Stelle, L. L., Szabo, A., & Torres, L. G. (2018). Obstacles and opportunities of using a mobile app for marine mammal research. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information7(5), 169. 

  • Hann, C. H., Smith, T. D., & Torres, L. G. (2016). A sperm whale's perspective: The importance of seasonality and seamount depth. Marine Mammal Science32(4), 1470-1481.

Current position: U.S. Program Manager, Pacific Salmon Commission, West Coast Sustainable Fisheries Division, NOAA Fisheries


Amanda Holdman

MS, Wildlife Science, 2016

Thesis: Spatio-temporal Patterns and Ecological Drivers of Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) off the Central Oregon Coast, USA


  • Holdman, A. K., Haxel, J. H., Klinck, H., & Torres, L. G. (2019). Acoustic monitoring reveals the times and tides of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) distribution off central Oregon, USA. Marine Mammal Science, 35(1), 164-186. 

Current position: Research Assistant, Kemp's Ridley Working Group, University of Alabama, Birmingham


Florence Sullivan

MS, Wildlife Science, 2017

Thesis: Fine Scale Foraging Behavior of Gray Whales in Relation to Prey Fields and Vessel Disturbance Along the Oregon Coast


  • Sullivan, F. A., & Torres, L. G. (2018). Assessment of vessel disturbance to gray whales to inform sustainable ecotourism. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 82(5), 896-905. 

Current position: Research Analyst, Pacific Whale Foundation


Dawn Barlow

MS, Wildlife Science, 2018

Thesis: An Investigation into the Distribution, Residency Patterns, Population Connectivity, and Abundance of Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in New Zealand


  • Barlow, D. R., Torres, L. G., Hodge, K. B., Steel, D., Baker, C. S., Chandler, T. E., Bott, N., Constantine, C., Double, M. C., Glasgow, D., Hamner, R. M., Lilley, C., Ogle, M., Olson, P. A., Peters, C., Stockin, K. A., Tessaglia-Hymes, C. T., Klinck, H. (2018). Documentation of a New Zealand blue whale population based on multiple lines of evidence. Endangered Species Research, 36, 27-40.  
  • Burnett, J. D., Lemos, L., Barlow, D., Wing, M. G., Chandler, T., & Torres, L. G. (2019). Estimating morphometric attributes of baleen whales with photogrammetry from small UASs: a case study with blue and gray whales. Marine Mammal Science, 35(1), 108-139. 

Current position: PhD Candidate, GEMM Lab, Oregon State University 


Dom Kone

MS, Marine Resource Management, 2019

Thesis: An Ecological Assessment of a Potential Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) Reintroduction to the Oregon Coast


  • Kone, D. V., Tinker, M. T., & Torres, L. G. (2021). Informing sea otter reintroduction through habitat and human interaction assessment. Endangered Species Research, 44, 159-176. 

Current position: Senior science Officer, California Ocean Science Trust


Leila Lemos

PhD, Wildlife Science, 2020

Thesis: Body Condition and Hormone Assessment of Eastern North Pacific Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus) and Associations to Ambient Noise


  • Lemos, L. S., Haxel, J. H., Olsen, A., Burnett, J. D., Smith, A., Chandler, T. E., ... & Torres, L. G. (2022). Effects of vessel traffic and ocean noise on gray whale stress hormones. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 18580. 
  • Lemos, L. S., Olsen, A., Smith, A., Burnett, J. D., Chandler, T. E., Larson, S., ... & Torres, L. G. (2022). Stressed and slim or relaxed and chubby? A simultaneous assessment of gray whale body condition and hormone variability. Marine Mammal Science, 38(2), 801-811.
  • Lemos, L. S., Olsen, A., Smith, A., Chandler, T. E., Larson, S., Hunt, K., & Torres, L. G. (2020). Assessment of fecal steroid and thyroid hormone metabolites in eastern North Pacific gray whales. Conservation physiology, 8(1), coaa110. 
  • Soledade Lemos, L., Burnett, J. D., Chandler, T. E., Sumich, J. L., & Torres, L. G. (2020). Intra‐and inter‐annual variation in gray whale body condition on a foraging ground. Ecosphere, 11(4), e03094. 
  • Burnett, J. D., Lemos, L., Barlow, D., Wing, M. G., Chandler, T., & Torres, L. G. (2019). Estimating morphometric attributes of baleen whales with photogrammetry from small UASs: a case study with blue and gray whales. Marine Mammal Science, 35(1), 108-139. 
  • Torres, L. G., Nieukirk, S. L., Lemos, L., & Chandler, T. E. (2018). Drone up! Quantifying whale behavior from a new perspective improves observational capacity. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 319. 

Current position: Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida International University


Lisa Hildebrand

MS, Wildlife Science, 2020

Thesis: Tonight’s specials include mysids, amphipods, and more: An examination of the zooplankton prey of Oregon gray whales and its impact on foraging choices and prey selection


  • Torres, L. G., Brander, S. M., Parker, J. I., Bloom, E. M., Norman, R., Van Brocklin, J. E., ... & Hildebrand, L. (2023). Zoop to poop: Assessment of microparticle loads in gray whale zooplankton prey and fecal matter reveal high daily consumption rates. Frontiers in Marine Science.
  • Hildebrand, L., Sullivan, F. A., Orben, R. A., Derville, S., & Torres, L. G. (2022). Trade-offs in prey quantity and quality in gray whale foraging. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 695, 189-201.
  • Hildebrand, L., Bernard, K. S., & Torres, L. G. (2021). Do Gray Whales Count Calories? Comparing Energetic Values of Gray Whale Prey Across Two Different Feeding Grounds in the Eastern North Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1008.

Current position: PhD Candidate, GEMM Lab, Oregon State University


Dawn Barlow

PhD, Wildlife Science, 2022

Thesis: Ecology and distribution of blue whales in New Zealand across spatial and temporal scales


  • Barlow, D.R., Klinck, H., Ponirakis, D., Branch, T. A., Torres, L.G. (2023) Environmental conditions and heat waves influence blue whale foraging and reproductive effort. Ecology and Evolution 13:e9770.
  • Barlow, D.R., Klinck, H., Ponirakis, D., Holt Colberg, M., Torres, L.G. (2022). Temporal occurrence of three blue whale populations in New Zealand waters from passive acoustic monitoring. Journal of Mammalogy 104:29-38.
  • Barlow, D.R., Estrada Jorge, M., Klinck, H., Torres, L.G. (2022). Shaken, not stirred: blue whales show no acoustic response to earthquake events. Royal Society Open Science 9:220242.
  • Barlow DR, Torres LG (2021) Planning ahead: Dynamic models forecast blue whale distribution with applications for spatial management. J Appl Ecol 58:2493–2504.
  • Barlow DR, Klinck H, Ponirakis D, Garvey C, Torres LG (2021) Temporal and spatial lags between wind, coastal upwelling, and blue whale occurrence. Sci Rep 11:1–10.
  • Barlow, Barlow DR, Bernard KS, Escobar-Flores P, Palacios DM, Torres LG (2020) Links in the trophic chain: Modeling functional relationships between in situ oceanography, krill, and blue whale distribution under different oceanographic regimes. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 642:207–225.
  • Torres LG, Barlow DR, Chandler TE, Burnett JD (2020) Insight into the kinematics of blue whale surface foraging through drone observations and prey data. PeerJ 8:e8906.  
  • Barlow DR, Pepper AL, Torres LG (2019) Skin Deep: An Assessment of New Zealand Blue Whale Skin Condition. Front Mar Sci 6:757.

Current position: Postdoctoral Scholar, GEMM Lab, Oregon State University 


Allison Dawn

MS, Wildlife Science, 2023

Thesis: Intermittent upwelling impacts zooplankton and their gray whale predators at multiple scales

Current position: Monitoring Program Coordinator, Curry Watershed Partnership


Morgan O'Rourke-Liggett

Professional Science Masters in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration, 2023

Current position: Biologist/Project Manager, US Army Corps of Engineers


Alexa Kownacki 

In loving memory, always in our hearts and forever a member of the GEMM Lab family.