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Name & Position Phone(s) Email
Barlow, Dawn
Postdoctoral Scholar
Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Laboratory (GEMM Lab)
Marine Mammal Institute
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Clara Bird Bird, Clara
Postdoctoral Scholar
Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Laboratory (GEMM Lab)
Laboratory for Animal Behavioral Interaction Research (LABIRINTO)
Marine Mammal Institute
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Captain Yogi Briggs Briggs, Ron
Master, R/V Pacific Storm
Marine Mammal Institute
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Todd Chandler Chandler, Todd
Faculty Research Assistant
Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Laboratory (GEMM Lab)
Marine Mammal Institute
Office: 541-867-0895
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Kevin Cool Cool, Kevin
Chief Mate, R/V Pacific Storm
Marine Mammal Institute
Office: 541-867-0288
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Franca Eichenberger Eichenberger, Franca
Postdoctoral Scholar
Marine Mammal Institute
Cetacean Conservation and Genomics Laboratory (CCGL)
Office: (541) 867-0394
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Craig Hayslip Hayslip, Craig
Faculty Research Assistant
Marine Mammal Institute
Office: 541-867-0150
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Taylor Hersh Hersh, Taylor
Postdoctoral Scholar
Laboratory for Animal Behavioral Interaction Research (LABIRINTO)
Marine Mammal Bioacoustics and Ecology Laboratory
Marine Mammal Institute
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Lagerquist, Barbara
Research Coordinator
Marine Mammal Institute
Office: 541-867-0322
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Benny Beaver Silhouette Lawrence, Jeff
Relief Master, R/V Pacific Storm
Marine Mammal Institute
Kelly Lizewski Lizewski, Kelly
Cetacean Conservation and Genomics Laboratory (CCGL)
Marine Mammal Institute
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Hannah Myers Myers, Hannah
Postdoctoral Scholar
Marine Mammal Bioacoustics and Ecology Laboratory
Ocean Ecology Laboratory
Marine Mammal Institute
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Sawyer, Hannah
Faculty Research Assistant
Marine Mammal Bioacoustics and Ecology Laboratory
Ocean Ecology Laboratory
Marine Mammal Institute
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Ken Serven Serven, Ken
Chief Engineer, R/V Pacific Storm
Marine Mammal Institute
Office: 541-867-0288
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Debbie Steel Steel, Debbie
Senior Faculty Research Assistant
Cetacean Conservation and Genomics Laboratory (CCGL)
Marine Mammal Institute
Office: 541-867-0384
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Clarissa Teixeira Teixeira, Clarissa
Postdoctoral Scholar
Ocean Ecology Laboratory
Marine Mammal Bioacoustics and Ecology Laboratory
Marine Mammal Institute
Office: (541) 867-0394
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Lindsay Wickman Wickman, Lindsay
Postdoctoral Scholar
Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Laboratory (GEMM Lab)
Marine Mammal Institute
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