The following are selected publications from CODEX:

Methods & Tools

Bierlich, K.C., Schick, R.S., Hewitt, J., Dale, J., Goldbogen, J.A., Friedlaender, A.S., Johnston D.J. (2021). A Bayesian approach for predicting photogrammetric uncertainty in morphometric measurements derived from UAS. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI:

Bierlich, K.C., Hewitt, J., Bird, C.N., Schick R.S., Friedlaender, A.S., Torres, L.G., Dale, J., Goldbogen, J.A., Read, A., Calambokidis J., Johnston, D.W. (2021). Comparing uncertainty associated with 1-, 2-, and 3D aerial photogrammetry-based body condition measurements of baleen whales. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:749943. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.749943  

Torres, W.I., & Bierlich, K.C. (2020). MorphoMetriX: a photogrammetric measurement GUI for morphometric analysis of megafauna. Journal of Open Source Software5(45), 1825. 

Bird, C.N., and Bierlich, K.C. (2020). CollatriX: A GUI to collate MorphoMetriX outputs. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(51), 2328.

Bierlich, K.C., Wengrove, D., Bird, C. N., Davidson, R., Chandler, T., Torres, L. G., Cantor, M. (2024). LidarBoX: a 3D-printed, open-source altimeter system to improve photogrammetric accuracy for off-the-shelf drones. Drone Systems and Applications. DOI: 10.1139/dsa-2023-0051.

Bierlich, K.C. & Karki, S., Bird, C.N., Fern, A., Torres, L.G. (2024). Automated body length and body condition measurements of whales from drone videos for rapid assessment of population health. Marine Mammal Science, e13137.

Morphology and body condition

Barlow, Dawn; Bierlich, K.C.; Oestreich, William; Chiang, Gustavo; Durban, John; Goldbogen, Jeremy; Johnston, David; Leslie, Matthew; Moore, Michael; Ryan, John; Torres, Leigh (2024). Shaped by their environment: variation in blue whale morphology across three productive coastal ecosystems. Integrative Organismal Biology, obad039,

Bierlich, K.C., Hewitt, J., Schick R.S., Pallin, L., Dale, J., Friedlaender, A.S., Christiansen, F., Sprogis K.R., Dawn, A.H., Bird, C.N.,  Larsen, G., Nichols, R., Shero, M., Goldbogen, J.A., Read, A., Johnston, D.W. (2022). Seasonal gain in body condition of foraging humpback whales along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9, 1–16. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.1036860  

Torres, L.G., Bird, C., Rodrigues-Gonzáles, F., Christiansen F., Bejder, L., Lemos, L., Urbán Ramírez, J., Swartz, S., Willoughby, A., Hewitt., J., Bierlich, K.C. (2022). Range-wide comparison of gray whale body condition reveals contrasting sub-population health characteristics and vulnerability to environmental change. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9:867258.

Morphology and growth

Pirotta, E. & Bierlich, K. C.  New, L., Hildebrand, L., Bird, C. N., Fernandez Ajó, A., & Torres, L. G. (2024). Modeling individual growth reveals decreasing gray whale body length and correlations with ocean climate indices at multiple scales. Global Change Biology, 30(6).

Bierlich, K. C., Kane, A., Hildebrand, L., Bird, C. N., Fernandez Ajo, A., Stewart, J. D., Hewitt, J., Hildebrand, I., Sumich, J., & Torres, L. G. (2023). Downsized: gray whales using an alternative foraging ground have smaller morphology. Biology Letters, 19(8).

Morphology to assess pregnancy

Fernandez Ajo, A, Pirotta, E., Bierlich, K.C., Hildebrand, L., Bird, C.N., Hunt, K.E., Buck, C.L., New, L., Dillon, D., Torres, L.G. (2023). Assessment of a noninvasive approach to pregnancy diagnosis in gray whales though drone-based photogrammetry and faecal hormone analysis. Royal Society Open Science.

Morphology and behavior

Bird, C., Pirotta, E., New, L., Bierlich, K.C., Hildebrand, L., Fernandez-Ajo, A., & Torres, L. (2024). Bubble blasts! An adaptation for buoyancy regulation in shallow foraging gray whales. Ecology and Evolution.

Bird, C. N., Pirotta, E., New, L., Bierlich, K.C., Donnelly, M., Hildebrand, L., Fernandez Ajó, A., & Torres, L. G. (2024). Growing into it: evidence of an ontogenetic shift in grey whale use of foraging tactics. Animal Behaviour, 214, 121–135.

Morphology and demography

Pallin, L., Bierlich, KC, Durban, J. Fearnbach, H., Savenko, O., C.S. Baker, E. Bell, Double, M.C., de la Mare, W. , Goldbogen, J. , Johnston, D.,  Kellar, N., Nichols, R., Nowacek, D., Read, A.J., Steel, D., Friedlaender, A. (2022) Demography of an ice-obligate mysticete in a region of rapid environmental change. Royal Society of Open Science. 9(11).

Morphology and foraging

Cade, D.E., Kahane-Rapport, S.R., Gough, W.T., Bierlich, K.C., Linksy, J.M.J., Johnston, D.W., Goldbogen, J.A., Friedlaender, A.S. (2023). Ultra-high feeding rates of Antarctic minke whales imply a lower limit for body size in engulfment filtration feeders. Nature Ecology and Evolution.