Ph.D. Wildlife Science, Fisheries and Wildlife, Magma cum laude, Oregon State University 2014. Thesis title: Worldwide Phylogeography and Local Population Structure of the Rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis)
M.Sc. Wildlife Science, Fisheries & Wildlife, MCL, Oregon State University, 2009. Thesis: Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in South Pacific breeding grounds: Allocation from feeding areas and abundance of the French Polynesia breeding stock
M.A.T. Science Education, magma cum laude, Pacific University, Oregon, 1997. Thesis title: Gender inequalities in science education.
B.S. Chemistry and Biochemistry, Portland State University, Oregon, 1994.
Research/Career Interests:
Renee is a marine biologist interested in Conservation Genetics of marine mammals. She teaches the marine mammal courses as a member of OSU’s Marine Mammal Institute and Fisheries and Wildlife faculty. Renee advises marine-focused undergraduates and supervises undergraduate intern research projects. Renee’s research aims to understand the abundance, population structure and evolutionary history of whales, dolphins, and pinnipeds. The methods include molecular markers to explore dolphin social structure and large baleen whale migratory destinations. Renee uses photo-identification to evaluate abundance and habitat use of several marine mammal species including harbor seals along the Oregon coast.
Professional Affiliations:
Society of Marine Mammalogy
Honors and Awards:
2021-Ecampus Excellence in Online Teaching and Student Engagement Award
Proceedings and Conference Presentations:
The Wildlife Society 2022; Society of Marine Mammalogy 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2021
FWCS Curriculum Committee
Professional Preparation:
Senior Instructor in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences 2009-present
Research Biologist, Marine Mammal Research Project, Moorea, French Polynesia - collaborates in ongoing field and research projects
Research Biologist, Operation Cetacea, Noumea, New Caledonia 2010
Field Research Assistant, Marine Mammal Research Project, French Polynesia 2005, 2007, 2008
Science Educator, Advanced Placement Chemistry, Environmental Biology and Oceanography, David Douglas High School, Oregon, 1997–2007
Chemist, Pacific Environmental Laboratory, Oregon 1994–1997