Clara Bird

PhD Candidate, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife & Conservation Sciences

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B.S. Biology, Duke University, 2018
B.S. Environmental Science, Duke University, 2018
Research/Career Interests: 

I am broadly interested in marine mammal ecology and remote sensing. Specifically, I want to study the behavioral ecology of marine mammals to inform conservation. I have a background in analyzing drone data to study marine megafauna using image analysis. For my thesis I will be using drone footage to study the behavioral ecology of the gray whale Pacific Coast Feeding Group (PCFG). I am interested in studying individual specialization, social behavior, and how patterns of behavior different by habitat type and between whales of different body condition and reproductive state. My goal is to gain insight into what factors may affect gray whale behavior in their foraging habitat so that we can better understand how they are being affected by a changing environment.

Honors and Awards: 
2018 Marine Science and Conservation Award, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment
Proceedings and Conference Presentations: 
"Seasonal Gulf of Maine CDOM Variability as Determined by Satellites and Ships" at Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR (February, 2018)
Professional Preparation: 
Research Assistant/GIS Technician: Duke Marine Robotics and Remote Sensing Lab, Duke University, 2018-2019.
Undergraduate Researcher: Duke Marine Robotics and Remote Sensing Lab, Duke University, 2017-2018.
NSF Research Intern – REU Program, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science, Boothbay, ME. 2018.
Affiliated with: 
Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Laboratory (GEMM Lab)
Marine Mammal Institute