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Movements of North Pacific blue whales during the feeding season off southern California and their southern fall migration.
Mate, B.R., B.A. Lagerquist and J. Calambokidis.
Marine Mammal Science 15(4):1246-1257 (1999)
Abstract: The satellite-acquired locations of 10 blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) tagged off southern California with Argos radio tags were used to identify: 1) their movements during the late summer feeding season; 2) the routes and rate of travel for individuals on their southern fall migration; and 3) a possible winter calving/breeding area. Whales were tracked from 5.1 to 78.1 d and from 393 to 8,668 km. While in the Southern California Bight, most of the locations for individual whales were either clumped or zigzagged in pattern, suggesting feeding or foraging (searching for prey). Average speeds ranged from 2.4 to 7.2 km/h. One whale moved north to Cape Mendocino, and four migrated south along the Baja California, Mexico, coast, two passing south of Cabo San Lucas on the same day. One of the latter whales traveled an additional 2,959 km south in 30.5 d to within 450 km of the Costa Rican Dome (CRD), an upwelling feature. The timing of this migration suggests the CRD may be a calving/breeding area for North Pacific blue whales. Although blue whales have previously been sighted in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), this is the first evidence that whales from the feeding aggregation off California range that far south. The productivity of the CRD may allow blue whales to feed during their winter calving/breeding season, unlike gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) and humpbacks (Megaptera novaeangliae) which fast.
Dive characteristics of satellite-monitored blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) off the central California coast.
Lagerquist, B.A., K.M. Stafford and B.R. Mate.
Marine Mammal Science 16(2):375-391 (2000)
Abstract: Dive habits of four Northeast Pacific blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) were studied using satellite-monitored radio tags. Tags summarized dive-duration data into eight 3-h periods daily. One tag additionally summarized dive depth and time-at-depth information for these same periods. Tracking periods ranged from 0.6 to 12.7 days and provided data for 17 three-hour summary periods, representing 2,007 dives (788 of which provided depth information). Total number of dives during a 3-h summary period ranged from 83 to 128 dives. Seventy-two percent of dives were <1 min long. All whales spent >94 % of their time submerged. Average duration of true dives (dives >1 min) ranged from 4.2 to 7.2 min. Seventy-five percent of depth-monitored dives were to <16 m, accounting for 78 percent of that animal's time. Average depth of dives to >16 m was 105 + 13 m.
Blue whale habitat and prey in the California Channel Islands
Paul C. Fiedler, Stephen B. Reilly, Roger P. Hewitt, David Demer, Valerie A. Philbrick, Susan Smith, Wesley Armstrong, Donald A. Croll, Bernie R. Tershy, and Bruce R. Mate.
Deep-Sea Research II 45:1781-1801 (1998)
Abstract: Whale Habitat and Prey Studies were conducted off southern California during August 1995 (WHAPS95) and July 1996 (WHAPS96) to (1) study the distribution and activities of blue whales and other large whales, (2) survey the distribution of prey organisms (krill), and (3) measure physical and biological habitat variables that influence the distribution of whales and prey. A total of 1307 cetacean sightings included 460 blue whale, 78 fin whale and 101 humpback whale sightings. Most blue whales were found in cold, well-mixed and productive water that had upwelled along the coast north of Point Conception and then advected south. They were aggregated in this water near San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands, where they fed on dense, subsurface layers of euphausiids both on the shelf and extending off the shelf edge. Two species of euphausiids were consumed by blue whales, Thysanoessa spinifera and Euphausia pacifica, with evidence of preference for the former, a larger and more coastal species. These krill patches on the Channel Island feeding grounds are a resource exploited during summer-fall by the world’s largest stock of blue whales.
Persistent Pelagic Habitats in the Baja California to Bering Sea (B2B) Ecoregion.
Peter Etnoyer, David Canny, Bruce Mate, Lance Morgan, and Glen Ellen.
Oceanography 17:90-101 (2004)
Abstract: The Baja California to Bering Sea (B2B) Marine Conservation Initiative seeks to establish a network of Marine Protected Areas within the Exclusive Economic Zones of the NAFTA countries - Canada, Mexico, and the United States. This network is designed to capture ecologically significant habitat for marine species of common conservation concern and pelagic regions of high productivity, with due consideration for the inter-annual sea surface temperature fluctuations of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Here, we present analytical methods that define pelagic habitat based upon the density of steep temperature gradients, or fronts, and we quantify their spatial and temporal persistence over a single ENSO cycle (1996-1999) to benefit marine conservation and marine management strategies. We find that less than 1% of the Northeast Pacific ocean exhibits a persistent (> 8 mo/yr) concentration of temperature fronts (>0.2km/km2) within and between years. The Baja California Frontal System (BCFS) is the largest concentration found within the multinational federal waters, between 0 and 300 km east of Baja California Sur. The BCFS appears more active under La Niña conditions, while the next largest persistent concentration, North Pacific Transition Zone, appears more active under El Niño conditions. We demonstrate habitat functions associated with the BCFS for blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), swordfish (Xiphias gladius), and striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax). We recommend management and protection for this pelagic “hotspot” to the Mexican government and the tri-national Commission for Environmental Cooperation.
Sea-surface temperature gradients across blue whale and sea turtle foraging trajectories off the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico.
Peter Etnoyer, David Canny, Bruce R. Mate, Lance E. Morgan, Joel G. Ortega-Ortiz, and Wallace J. Nichols.
Deep-Sea Research II 53:340–358 (2006)
Abstract: Sea-surface temperature (SST) fronts are integral to pelagic ecology in the North Pacific Ocean, so it is necessary to understand their character and distribution, and the way these features influence the behavior of endangered and highly migratory species. Here, telemetry data from sixteen satellite-tagged blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) and sea turtles (Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas, and Lepidochelys olivacea) are employed to characterize ‘biologically relevant’ SST fronts off Baja California Sur. High residence times are used to identify presumed foraging areas, and SST gradients are calculated across advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) images of these regions. The resulting values are compared to classic definitions of SST fronts in the oceanographic literature. We find subtle changes in surface temperature (between 0.01 and 0.10 1C/km) across the foraging trajectories, near the lowest end of the oceanographic scale (between 0.03 and 0.3 1C/km), suggesting that edge-detection algorithms using gradient thresholds40.10 1C/km may overlook pelagic habitats in tropical waters. We use this information to sensitize our edge-detection algorithm, and to identify persistent concentrations of subtle SST fronts in the Northeast Pacific Ocean between 2002 and 2004. The lower-gradient threshold increases the number of fronts detected, revealing more potential habitats in different places than we find with a higher-gradient threshold. This is the expected result, but it confirms that pelagic habitat can be overlooked, and that the temperature gradient parameter is an important one.
Other literature cited:
Branch, T.A. 2008. Current status of Antarctic blue whales based on Bayesian modeling. Unpublished report SC/60/SH7 to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission.
NOAA Stock Assessment Report, 2007. Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus): Eastern North Pacific Stock.