We asked our recent Baja Gray Whale Expedition travelers to sum up their experiences in one sentence.

Here is what they said.

"Once in a lifetime experience — unlike any other wildlife experience we have ever had." — Martha Peck Andrews, 2022

"An emotional experience interacting with the gray whales" — Paul Droukas, 2024

"It was a fabulous adventure into the mysterious world of some of the biggest creatures on the planet, with experts providing answers and insights at every turn. Now, we understand why the MMI has such dedicated staff and following." — Jim Swenson & Janet Gillaspie, 2022

"It was magnificent." — Mary Markland, 2024

"Best week of my entire life." — 2022


"A trip of a lifetime" — Annie Langill, 2024

"WOW" — Caroline Plummer, 2023

"Making eye contact with the unbelievably friendly and curious female gray whales and their calves was an amazing life experience. They are truly beautiful beings." — Kendra Daly, 2023

"It was thrilling to be out among the gray whales, flirting all around us!" — Linda Jensen, 2024

"This is an experience that will stay in my memory forever, one that I am so thankful I was able to do and share with loved ones — it expanded my understanding of the natural world." — Sally Olson-Edge, 2023

"It was one of my most memorable trips due to the size of the group, the knowledge and kindness of the naturalists and staff, and of course the whales." — Jane McDonald, 2023

"A really great experience. We felt lucky to see so many species of whales, especially in the Gulf." — 2024

"The opportunity is there, don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience!" — Rose Shaw, 2022

"It was a trip that rejuvenated my mind and soul and helped me know there is still life to experience after the death of my husband three years ago." — Barbara Harrison Condon, 2023

"The best trip that we have taken." — 2023

"I've been on lots of trips, but this one was special because of the engagement of Lisa and other OSU scientists." — 2024

"This experience will stand as being among the most memorable experiences of my life." — Mike Graybill, 2022

"This trip helped broaden some perspectives for me and gave me an experience interacting with these beautiful marine mammals that may well be once in a lifetime, and I will never forget it!" — Chelsea Lane, 2022

"A truly life-changing experience" — John Byrum, 2024

"Truly, an opportunity of a lifetime that will not be forgotten." — Terri Herbert, 2023

"A once-in-a-lifetime experience, not to be missed!" — Sheila Goodwin, 2024

"It was an awesome trip of a lifetime." — Susan Painter, 2022

"We would recommend the trip without hesitation!" — Judy and Gary Edge, 2023

"It was one of the most wonderful trips I have ever had. Magical, transforming, and joyous. Lisa, Mauricio, Clarissa, Ernesto, José, and Paulina were amazing: patient, knowledgeable, kind, and so well informed. The San Ignacio experience was transporting. It gave me hope for the future of our struggling world to meet such passionate, dedicated scientists who are working so hard to save it. I cannot say enough good things about this trip. Oh, and the members of the group were absolutely delightful. I met folks who I will see again. (Sorry, this was more than one sentence!)" — Carol Brydolf, 2024

Photo of humpback whale breaching in the Gulf of California by Ernesto Vázquez Morquecho.

"A remarkable natural history tour; I highly recommend it to anyone." — Dan Edge, 2023

"More than I expected in terms of experiences and education, and worth every dollar" — Nancy Rhodes, 2023

"I felt like I was in a warm family group." — Christine, 2023

"Wish I were still there!" — Alex Halter, 2022

"The MMI whale watching expedition was a wonderful knowledge- and experience-expanding experience, and it was fun!" — Mary Ella Kuster, 2022

"I am looking forward to doing this again someday soon." — Brian Wooton, 2024

Photo of 2024 Baja Expedition participants by Ernesto Vázquez Morquecho.