Thompson, K., C. Baker, S., van Helden, A., Patel, S., Millar, C., & Constantine, R.. (2012).
The world’s rarest whale.
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Constantine, R., Steel, D. J., Allen, J., Anderson, M., Andrews, O., C. Baker, S., et al.. (2014).
Remote Antarctic feeding ground important for east Australian humpback whales.
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Carroll, E., Rayment, W. J., Alexander, A. M., C. Baker, S., Patenaude, N. J., Steel, D. J., et al.. (2014).
Reestablishment of former wintering grounds by New Zealand southern right whales.
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Population structure and individual movement of southern right whales around New Zealand and Australia.
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Carroll, E., Childerhouse, S., CHRISTIE, M. A. R. K., Lavery, S., PATENAUDE, N. A. T. H. A. L. I. E., Alexander, A. M., et al.. (2012).
Paternity assignment and demographic closure in the New Zealand southern right whale.
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Paternity assignment and demographic closure in the New Zealand southern right whale.
Molecular Ecology,
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Thompson, K. F., Millar, C. D., C. Baker, S., Dalebout, M., Steel, D. J., van Helden, A. L., & Constantine, R.. (2013).
A novel conservation approach provides insights into the management of rare cetaceans.
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Hitchmough, R., C. Baker, S., Chilvers, B. L., Constantine, R., DuFresne, S., Mattlin, R., & van Helden, A.. (2013).
New Zealand Threat Classification System: reply to Breen and Middleton.
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Constantine, R., Johnson, M., Riekkola, L., Jervis, S., Kozmian-Ledward, L., Dennis, T., et al.. (2015).
Mitigation of vessel-strike mortality of endangered Bryde’s whales in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand.
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C. Baker, S., Hamner, R. M., Cooke, J., Heimeier, D., Vant, M., Steel, D. J., & Constantine, R.. (2013).
Low abundance and probable decline of the critically endangered Maui's dolphin estimated by genotype capture-recapture.
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Tezanos-Pinto, G., Constantine, R., Mourão, F., Berghan, J., & C. Baker, S.. (2015).
High calf mortality in bottlenose dolphins in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand-a local unit in decline.
Marine Mammal Science,
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Hamner, R. M., Pichler, F. B., Heimeier, D., Constantine, R., & C. Baker, S.. (2012).
Genetic differentiation and limited gene flow among fragmented populations of New Zealand endemic Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins.
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Garrigue, C., Franklin, T., Constantine, R., Russell, K., Burns, D., Poole, M. M., et al.. (2011).
First assessment of interchange of humpback whales between Oceania and the east coast of Australia.
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Environmental correlates of nearshore habitat distribution by the Critically Endangered Maūi dolphin.
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Hamner, R. M., Wade, P., Oremus, M., Stanley, M., Brown, P., Constantine, R., & C. Baker, S.. (2014).
Critically low abundance and limits to human-related mortality for the Maui’s dolphin.
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