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Pitman, R. L. (2013). Review: Marine Mammal Species of India. Marine Mammal Science, 29(4), 777 - 779. doi:10.1111/mms.12061
Au, D. W. K., & Pitman, R. L.. (1988). Seabird relationships with tropical tunas and dolphins. In Seabirds and other marine vertebrates. Competition, predation and other interactions (pp. 174-212). New York: Columbia University Press.
Sekiguchi, K., Olavarria, C., Morse, L., Olson, P., Ensor, P., Matsuoka, K., et al.. (2006). The spectacled porpoise (Phocoena dioptrica) in Antarctic waters. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 8(3), 265-271.
Everett, W. T., & Pitman, R. L.. (1993). Status and conservation of shearwaters of the North Pacific. In The status, ecology, and conservation of marine birds of the North Pacific (pp. 93-100). Ottawa: Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada.
