Found 735 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Mate, B. R. (2008). Technical instrumentation issues related to the design and execution of a controlled-exposure experiment for larger cetaceans to assess possible behavioural responses and potential impacts. Bioacoustics, 17(Special issue: International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Nyborg, Denmark, August 13-17, 2007), 334-336.
Redfern, J. V., Ferguson, M. C., Becker, E. A., Hyrenbach, K. D., Good, C., Barlow, J., et al.. (2006). Techniques for cetacean-habitat modeling. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 310, 271 - 295. doi:10.3354/meps310271
Redfern, J. V., Ferguson, M. C., Becker, E. A., Hyrenbach, K. D., Good, C. P., Barlow, J., et al.. (2006). Techniques for cetacean-habitat modeling. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 310. doi:10.3354/meps310271
Pitman, R. L., & Ensor, P.. (2003). Three different forms of killer whales in Antarctic waters. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 5(2), 131-139.
