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Pitman, R. L. (2013). Clipperton Island. In Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia (pp. 471-473). Ipswich, MA: Salem Press.
Everett, W. T., & Pitman, R. L.. (1996). Avian specimens from Rocas Alijos. In Rocas Alijos. Scientific results from the Cordell expeditions (pp. 359-362). London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Pitman, R. L. (2015). Antarctic orcas. In Visual Encyclopedia of Orca (pp. 126-135). Yokohama, Japan: Sphere Books.
Zhao, X., Barlow, J., Taylor, B. L., Pitman, R. L., Wang, K., Wei, Z., et al.. (2008). Abundance and conservation status of the Yangtze finless porpoise in the Yangtze River, China. Biological Conservation, 141(12), 3006 - 3018. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2008.09.005
