Journal Article
Pendleton, G. W., Pitcher, K. W., Fritz, L., Raum-Suryan, K. L., Loughlin, T., Calkins, D., et al.. (2006).
Survival of Steller sea lions in Alaska: a comparison of increasing and decreasing populations.
Canadian Journal of Zoology,
84, 1162-1172.
Raum-Suryan, K. L., Pitcher, K. W., Calkins, D., Sease, J., & Loughlin, T.. (2002).
Dispersal, rookery fidelity, and metapopulations structure of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in an increasing and decreasing population in Alaska.
Marine Mammal Science,
18(3), 746-764.
Raum-Suryan, K. L., Rehberg, M. J., Pendleton, G. W., Pitcher, K. W., & Gelatt, T.. (2004).
Development of dispersal, movement patterns, and haul-out use by pup and juvenile Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus in Alaska.
Marine Mammal Science,
20(4), 823-850.