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Pitman, R. L. (2018). Mesoplodon Beaked Whales: Mesoplodon spp. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (3rd ed., pp. 595 - 602). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-804327-1.00172-2
Pitman, R. L. (2018). Indo-Pacific Beaked Whale: Indopacetus pacificus. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (3rd ed., pp. 509 - 512). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-804327-1.00157-6
Pitman, R. L. (2015). Killer whale. In Whales, dolphins and porpoises (pp. 150-151). East Sussex, UK: Ivy Press.
Pitman, R. L. (2015). Antarctic orcas. In Visual Encyclopedia of Orca (pp. 126-135). Yokohama, Japan: Sphere Books.
Pitman, R. L. (2013). Review: Marine Mammal Species of India. Marine Mammal Science, 29(4), 777 - 779. doi:10.1111/mms.12061
Pitman, R. L. (2013). Clipperton Island. In Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia (pp. 471-473). Ipswich, MA: Salem Press.
Pitman, R. L., & Durban, J. W.. (2010). Killer whale predation on penguins in Antarctica. Polar Biology, 33(11), 1589 - 1594. doi:10.1007/s00300-010-0853-5
Pitman, R. L. (2009). Mesoplodont whales (Mesoplodon spp.). In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (2nd ed., pp. 721 - 726). San Diego: Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-373553-9.00167-X
Pitman, R. L. (2009). Indo-Pacific beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus). In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (2nd ed., pp. 600 - 602). San Diego: Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-373553-9.00140-1
Pitman, R. L. (2009). Book review: Albatross. Their world, their ways. Wilson Bulletin, 121, 217-218.
Pitman, R. L., Perryman, W. L., LeRoi, D., & Eilers, E.. (2007). A Dwarf Form of Killer Whale in Antarctica. Journal of Mammalogy, 88(1), 43 - 48. doi:10.1644/06-MAMM-A-118R1.1
Pitman, R. L. (2006). Killer Whale. In Encyclopedia of the Antarctic (pp. 570-572). New York: Routledge.
