TitleThe Presence of Long-Beaked Common Dolphins (Delphinus spp.) off Central-Western Venezuela
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsBolaños-Jiménez, J, Castro-Pérez, G, Herrera-Trujillo, O, Oviedo, L, Palacios, DM, Sánchez-Criollo, L, Puerto, MF, Sifontes, L, Silva-Hernández, MG, Villarroel-Marín, A
AbstractThe common dolphin (genus Delphinus) is regularly found in regions with upwelling-modified waters. The “Venezuelan stock” of the common dolphin is documented to occur in north-eastern Venezuelan waters, particularly in the “Eastern Upwelling” eco-region. Records of Delphinus for other eco-regions of Venezuela are extremely sparse. Information was compiled from three independent cetacean studies conducted during 2009-2011 in the states of Aragua (Central Coast eco-region), Miranda (Unare-Píritu eco-region) and Zulia (Gulf of Venezuela eco-region), respectively. Fourteen records of Delphinus were compiled for this study: 10 sightings (71,5%) off the coast of Aragua State; two (14,3%) off Miranda State; as well as one sighting (7,1%) and one stranding (7,1%) in the Gulf of Venezuela. Records in the states of Miranda and Zulia were related to upwelling-modified waters. We found no evidence of upwelling in waters off Aragua State (71,5% of the records). Keywords: Common dolphin, Delphinus, distribution, Caribbean Sea, Venezuela, coastal upwelling.