Title | Outstanding Challenges in the Transferability of Ecological Models |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2018 |
Authors | Yates, KL, Bouchet, PJ, M. Caley, J, Mengersen, K, Randin, CF, Parnell, S, Fielding, AH, Bamford, AJ, Ban, S, A. Barbosa, M, Dormann, CF, Elith, J, Embling, CB, Ervin, GN, Fisher, R, Gould, S, Graf, RF, Gregr, EJ, Halpin, PN, Heikkinen, RK, Heinänen, S, Jones, AR, Krishnakumar, PK, Lauria, V, Lozano-Montes, H, Mannocci, L, Mellin, C, Mesgaran, MB, Moreno-Amat, E, Mormede, S, Novaczek, E, Oppel, S, Crespo, GOrtuño, A. Peterson, T, Rapacciuolo, G, Roberts, JJ, Ross, RE, Scales, KL, Schoeman, D, Snelgrove, P, Sundblad, G, Thuiller, W, Torres, LG, Verbruggen, H, Wang, L, Wenger, S, Whittingham, MJ, Zharikov, Y, Zurell, D, Sequeira, AMM |
Journal | Trends in Ecology & Evolution |
Date Published | Aug-27-2018 |
ISSN | 01695347 |
DOI | 10.1016/j.tree.2018.08.001 |
Short Title | Trends in Ecology & Evolution |